Common Cat Skin Problems and What to Do About Them
According to estimates, 38% of Canadian households own a cat. Unfortunately, these beloved pets may be susceptible to certain skin conditions. Luckily, finding cat care in South Calgary facilities can help cat owners fix these conditions. There are also many things pet owners can do to ease cat skin problems. Read on to learn more.
Dry, Flakey Cat Skin (Scales)
Dry, flakey cat skin, otherwise known as scales, resembles human dandruff. A cat skin treatment such as medicated shampoo can relieve this issue. However, pet owners shouldn't leave things at that. Cat scales could be a symptom of a greater problem. They could exist because of obesity, nutritional imbalances, etc. For this reason, cat owners should bring their cats to the vet once they notice any scales. Owners should also let veterinarians know about any symptoms their cat is exhibiting.
Cat Scabs
Scabs appear on a cat's skin after some form of trauma occurs. For example, scabs form over injuries after blood clots. Veterinarians call such scabs excoriations. Another cat scab type is a crust. This scab occurs after any condition that ruptures a protective layer. Owners should leave crusts alone. But if they're concerned, they can bring their pets to the nearest pet hospital.Vets can examine the cells beneath a crust. They can then figure out which cat skin problems a pet may have.
Cat Skin Infections
Miliary dermatosis (see below) is a common symptom of a skin infection. But pets can also notice pustules, discharge, and reddened or darkened patches on their cats' skin. In addition, infected skin can give off a strong smell. Unfortunately, cat owners may be unable to sense many of these symptoms. They may only notice that their cat is itching a particular spot. So this should be reason enough to bring their pet to the vet. Veterinarians will take samples of cells with tape. They will check this sample for yeast or bacteria. If this doesn't work, the veterinarian will take a skin biopsy.
Miliary Dermatitis
This is a common symptom of many cat skin issues. It causes many millet seed-like bumps to appear on a cat's skin. This shape is where the symptom gets its name. Cats can get miliary dermatitis if they're hypersensitive to flea bites. Other causes are cancers, bacterial infections, food allergies, autoimmune diseases, and more. Cat owners should bring their pets to a good cat care South Calgary facility to diagnose which issues are present.
Our Cat Care in South Calgary Facility
As you can see, it's best to leave cat skin treatment to a good cat care South Calgary facility. But once a pet owner gets a diagnosis from a veterinarian, that animal doctor will likely give the pet owner a treatment. It will be the responsibility of the pet owner to give their pet that treatment. If you need cat care in South Calgary, consider using our services at Silverado Veterinary Hospital. We aim to provide your pets with exceptional and compassionate care. Book an appointment with Silverado Veterinary Hospital on this page.